Monday, October 29, 2007

note from my next youngest brother

[Our academic backgrounds show in that he thinks this is funny and that I understand it.]

I need some queuing theory analysis for work and ran across this page containing this joke:
Bill Becker (of Hitachi Data Systems) sent me the following story:
I was attending a computer network performance management seminar conducted by none other than Leonard Kleinrock himself. (At the time, I had no idea who he was - this took place around 1985, or so.) He starts out his week-long intensive seminar with the statement:
"Life is a queue. You come in, hang around for a bit, get some service, then depart."
To which I commented
"Is that a closed-loop or open-ended queue?"
LK went silent and then proclaimed
"That depends on your religious philosophy."
For those who don't know, LK is a q theory founding father. You might try telling this at church or synagogue.
[The only person I can tell this to is another PhD in Physics I know at church.]

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