Saturday, July 6, 2013

How old are you?

Usually one measures age by the number of birthdays you have had.  Special notice is given for birthdays ending in zero in the decimal system.  But these can be denied.

Then there are the telltale signs on the body, especially the hands and neck.  Loose skin.  Liver spots.  Things that are stiff and should be supple, and vice versa.  But plastic surgery and modern medicine can change or mask some of these.

Then there is the attitude people have to you and you to them.  Do people ignore you?  Not hear you?  Do you want to tell the truth to everyone, despite the cost?  Do you do it?  Do you have the urge to post on Facebook every hour?  Do you follow that urge?

But the true sign is "What's in your mailbox?"
  • Do you have incessant solicitations for Medicare plans?
  • Do you get questionnaires from "Cremation and funeral societies?"
  • Do people want to sell you "Final expense insurance?"

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