Monday, October 1, 2007

the great "This is True" link point

TIRED OF BEING TOLD WHERE TO GO? "Get Out of Hell Free" with our popular and (in?)famous cards, created in response to a reader insisting that Randy was doomed.

SUBSCRIPTIONS to "This is True" are free at Published weekly by ThisIsTrue.Inc, PO Box 666, Ridgway CO 81432 USA (ISSN 1521-1932). TRUE is available to newspapers as a regular feature column. "This is True" is a registered trademark of ThisIsTrue.Inc

COPYRIGHT 2007 by Randy Cassingham, All Rights Reserved. All stories are completely rewritten by Randy Cassingham using facts from the noted sources.

TO COMMENT to the author, -- Please include your first name and location.

Distribution sponsored by Lyris Technologies, Inc.

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