Saturday, May 1, 2010

response - what is holy/sacred

The face of Francis is holy, not sacred. An unfortunate perpetuation of the dichotomy between the sacred and the profane continues to be used in art criticism (and many other places as well) when dealing with Christianity.... But what “sacred” means, in contrast to “profane” (that which lies outside the temple and is purely of this world), is “something set apart” in relation to the divine. It is separate, by some form of consecration, for religious usage. - stimulus - Dimensions of the Holy

I am trying to get my head around the distinction he makes between holy and sacred.

I do not find my grandchildren to be holy, but I do think of them as being sacred - creations of God bearing the finger prints of God. I say the same of the trees surrounding my house.

Merriam-Webster does not appear to support me in this: holy sacred

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