Monday, July 18, 2011

left-brain vs right-brain revisited

I had posted this and didn't know enough to find comments.

so I am revisiting my answers - doesn't change the result - I am still terminally left-brained.

  1. Are you better at math and science than art and literature? Yes but love both
  2. Do you love playing sports outdoors over reading indoors? No but have done both
  3. Do you prefer verbal communication over physical communication? Yes and it helps me to think
  4. Would you rather draw pictures freehand instead of putting together a model airplane? neither - I don't draw but do handyman stuff around the house
  5. Do you like being in groups more than being alone? lean to No but find a need for both in my life - I have been a leader of men's groups @ church
  6. When given instructions, are lots of pictures easier to understand than lots of text? lean to No but I as I have gotten older I handle abstractions less well
  7. Have you noticed that you're better at providing the details and necessary information for a project than coming up with the initial idea? lean to Yes
  8. Do you need a quiet environment when you are working? absolutely yes
  9. Would you enjoy helping someone solve a relationship problem more than a math problem? lean to No
  10. Are you better at helping someone solve a relationship problem more than a math problem? absolutely No
  11. If you were a writer, would you prefer to write nonfiction books instead of fiction? lean to Yes
  12. If you were a writer, would you be better at writing nonfiction books instead of fiction? absolutely Yes - fiction never wants to leave my head - it's shy :-)
and the bottom line - my training is in physics but my career going back to college is in Information Technology

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