Friday, July 25, 2008

boys will be boys

from tweeter

Sounds fake but just might be true.

My children, the little darlings.... last night they were being so sweet and precious to each other. They were playing in the living room under mine and David's feet for a really long time. Christian would go up and kiss Daniel, Daniel would leave his mouth open and just laugh hysterically when Christian kissed him. Daniel would, in turn try to give Christian a big slobbery kiss on the mouth. It was just one of those really sweet baby moments that I'll remember for years to come - too bad the memory has been tainted.

The boys' playroom door had been left open all day and I guess after a while of playing in the living room Christian decided he was ready to go play with all of his other toys in the playroom. So, my beautiful little boy ran back to his playroom. He wanted to close the door but he kept peeking out saying "Danuu, Danuu!!" (Daniel) and Daniel started crawling back to the playroom. This playroom has just been such an awesome thing to have in our home: it is completely 100% baby proofed - it's full of toys sitting on shelves just ready to be played with, it has a "reading" corner where Christian can sit in his little rocking chair and has been often times spotted reading "Danuu" lots of fun stories. Daniel is finally at the age (almost 9 months) where he can play with Christian. They laugh together and share toys and just have a good ol' time in that room. We usually leave the door open so they can come out whenever they want and we can listen out for them and check in on them. There is literally no way that either one of these boys can get hurt in this room. So last night when Christian called Daniel back there and then shut the door immediately after Daniel crawled his little fanny in the room we were thinking "Ok, well whatever... they will play together and have fun. There's no way either one of them can get hurt." I told David that I would just go check on them in 5 minutes. So... 5 minutes passes and I get up from the couch to go check on them and Oh... OH OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's just say - the two factors that we had NOT considered when we saw Christian closing the door so that him and Daniel can have their own "private" play party were these:

  1. Christian is notorious for taking his pants and diaper off and pooping everywhere.
  2. Daniel eats everything.
You probably know where I'm going with story by now...

Let me just say this: Christian has not taken his diaper off in about 3 weeks and he waits until last night to do it? As far as I was concerned Christian was over that phase and moving on to be more of a "big boy" who didn't play in his poop or mess with his diaper. We did not have him in a onesie while he was playing in the room. He had just gotten back from Wednesday night church with David so he was just in jeans and a T-shirt.

So... I was hit by the smell of poop the instant I opened the door... I looked at Christian - no pants... no diaper and I smell poop! Then I look at Daniel - he's eating chocolate? No... there's no chocolate in the room, ladies - Daniel is eating Christian's poop. He's got a mouth full - and two fist fulls and it's all over his face. At this point I'm screaming "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!!!" I feel that since I "neglected" my children for 5 minutes so they could play alone and this incident happened that I should be immediately reported to the police or CPS. My baby... my BABY is eating poop.

I picked Daniel up and ran to the bedroom to change his clothes and get the poop out of his mouth, I cleaned his hands off with a baby wipe so he couldn't put anymore in his mouth. David ran bathwater for Daniel and I plunked him down in there. I must have bathed that child for 1/2 an hour before I felt he was "clean enough" to come out. I brushed his teeth (he has one tooth) for the FIRST time mind you - what a story - just to make sure there were no lingering bacteria in his mouth. I fed him some applesauce to get the yucky taste out and finally put him to bed with a full bottle.

I felt soo... soooo sooo SOOO awful and I still do. I told David that we could never tell anyone this story - not anyone in our family, no friends and definitely not the boys - EVER!

David said he was going to tell everybody but I'm going to be so pissed if he does - this story makes me out to be like the most horrible mother ever. I left my children alone for 5 minutes to play - innocent enough right? NO! I feel like I should be locked up, I even considered calling the poison control center to see if Daniel's stomach needed to be pumped - David said I was over-reacting.

UGhh.. how frightening. Just a word of advice to Dawne, Nicole, Tracy, and anyone else who has a toddler and an infant - DO NOT - I REPEAT - DO NOT LEAVE YOUR TODDLER ALONE WITH YOUR INFANT AT ANY TIME!!!!! EVEN IF YOUR INFANT IS 9-12 MONTHS - THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS!!!!

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